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My Personal Opinion

After reading these tablets, and opened my mind to new possibilities I found a new understanding of the way things are. Our immediate future doesn't Look to bright. If you look back at my first post, you'll see that our creators evolved without interruption, and ended up in one world government. So, they used their past to predict our future. Before it was all over they decided to control us from a distance. The heat was to much for them after the flood, it ended the last ice age, that and the ones that stayed here to long couldn't go home lest they die, which clearly shows that they are not immune to everything, and that death comes to us all. They do have what they call an elixir of long life it's in their drink and food. They still die like the rest of us, just takes longer. Back to what I was gonna say, they used their steps in evolution to get us to where we are at now close to the war to end all wars, or armageddon as we know it. The end times are still a ways off. They look to the future of our world not this moment in time. So, I guess what I am saying is that, they have us headed in the direction of global unity, or one world government, however you want to look at it. What sucks is the fact that over half of the population of the planet has to die. Heaven, hell, not sure that either one exists, they sure don't speak of it. I have now come to the conclusion that Global Unity is the best thing for planet and the future of its inhabitants I hope. If I can get a few more people see it. Because the bible teaches you to die for god and not take the mark of the beast or biochip, I for one would be glad to get it. Sometimes I wish I was born 100 years from now, Because then I wouldn't have lived through it, and wouldn't have to deal with all the heartache and loss. Elon Musk's vision of the future can only take place after armadeddon, Heaven on earth. My opinion on heaven or hell, just a way to keep control over us. They refer to the skies as the heavens, they talked about water falling from the heavens, or rain falling out of the sky as they hunkered down scared it was the end for them. I believe that that story is in the post about our creators first steps on earth.

My Personal Opinion
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